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15 Self Defense Tips That Might Save Your Life: Survival Skills

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A person may be faced with the need to protect himself or his loved ones, especially when he is suddenly attacked by a thief, bully, or rapist. Criminals are often armed. Self-defense techniques help in such a situation. Even with the simplest technique, a person feels more confident and safe. He is able to block attacks, neutralize the enemy, and thus save his life. Click Here The #1 Reason a number of tricks and ways to defeat enemies. Every method is tactical ! How To Get Rid Of Plastic Handcuffs The main principle of the release of ties on the hands is in the use of their weaknesses (all according to the treatises of ninja and the principles of navanuke ). What is this weakness? First of all, this is fragility under heavy loads, which means that the main task of the “attached to the hand” is to provide such a load. So the first way to release is to break the tie. To do this, you need to combine three actions at once into one: First, strain your wrists, stretch the plastic if possib

Tokon Martial Arts Academy

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  It’s no secret that some of the most successful people in the world are people who have some background in the Martial Arts. If you need some convincing, ask yourself why some of the most powerful men in politics, business, and entertainment today have some form of background in the military. Click Here The #1 Reason a number of tricks and ways to defeat enemies. Every method is tactical ! It might look coincidental until you realize that the military places a lot of emphasis on its Martial Arts training for all its soldiers and officers. This training has helped them become high achievers with the results to show for it. It’s sad that many people focus solely on academic knowledge to the detriment of learning the practical things that will help them navigate life. When you think about it, being able to quote certain paragraphs from a piece of an academic text will not be able to help you deal with a challenge, rather it’s the knowledge of what to do in practical terms that will help

How To Defend Yourself And Your Family: Family Self Defence Program

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We are all worried about the safety of ourselves and family. We must know how to defend yourself and protect your family and deal with dangerous situations and know how to prevent our family. And you must be sure that you have a way against the dangerous situation. And You should always prepare yourself with appropriate self-defense techniques and systems. So Family Self Defence help you and teach you how to how to defend yourself self and protect your family and maintain your family safe. Unlike other self-defense programs, this program teaches a limited number of basic moves that will disrupt any attacker. So let’s see the family self defence review. Click Here The #1 Reason a number of tricks and ways to defeat enemies. Every method is tactical ! How To Defend Your Self And Protect Your Family Program: What Is The Family Self Defence Program? The Family Self Defence is a course with PDF format teach you the most effective movements and techniques that can help you protect yourself.

Street Fight Tips

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A Street fight is something anyone can be involved in without any warning. It is certainly a very life-threatening situation and can be very brutal. Here are some street fight tips that, if followed, can save your life. Click Here The #1 Reason a number of tricks and ways to defeat enemies. Every method is tactical ! Street Fight Tips #1 Evaluation Of Surroundings Most of the fights take place in lonely areas generally in the radars of the evenings. When there is no one around. The basic commonsense says that you should avoid such places especially at late hours. However, if you do get surprised. One of the best street fight tips is run if you can, and fight only if you have to. If you are at a lonely spot, try to attract attention while making as much noise as possible or shouting for help. This would un-nerve the opponents who certainly would not like to be confronted by law or help of any sort. If you feel you are outnumbered, and have no chance of escape, it is better to start a ne


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Click Here The #1 Reason a number of tricks and ways to defeat enemies. Every method is tactical ! This is a blog post from Male Matters  originally posted in 2012. This site is a men’s rights website and discusses the controversy of women in combat. While the argument is for women in combat there are a few details it ignores. Then there is the issue of feminism versus the backlash men’s rights movement. This post does point out the inequality facing women who seek combat jobs, but their cause is not for social justice. The men’s rights movement is a reactionary backlash to the women’s rights movement and feminist movement. Feminism used to be about gender equality, but third wave feminism has embraced a more extremist tone. The men’s rights movement does have a legitimate argument that their is inequality in terms of alimony, child support, divorce, and the draft. Yet,  their agenda is to revert social and political relations back to a time in which men had the much of the power. The

How to Teach Yourself Martial Arts

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Learning a martial art is good for the body and mind. Depending on where you live it can be difficult to find a school, let alone afford the classes. Nothing can replace the experience gained from training under an instructor. However, there are a few options for the home student. Click Here The #1 Reason a number of tricks and ways to defeat enemies. Every method is tactical ! Choosing Your Style 1. Think about why you want to learn a martial art. People begin learning a martial art for many reasons. Perhaps you feel out of shape, or maybe you no longer want to be picked on. Martial arts are a good way to boost self-respect. When you start training, you will begin to understand yourself better. This will help you understand and respect others as well. Martial arts will help you define and overcome your weaknesses. They are challenging and empowering at the same time. 2. Research different martial arts. Before you start kicking trees and punching walls, do some research on martial arts

How Martial Arts Gives You The Confidence To Honestly Express Yourself

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Click Here The #1 Reason a number of tricks and ways to defeat enemies. Every method is tactical ! Legendary actor and martial artist, Bruce Lee, once stated that ‘martial arts means honestly expressing yourself.’ During his short life span, Bruce Lee blessed us with several timeless truths that are applicable not just to martial arts, but to life in general. The practice of martial arts, according to Lee, does not simply entail learning how to fight better; rather it means understanding your being in a more holistic way, and thus being able to express yourself better and more honestly. To express oneself honestly means having the confidence to go against the fear of being judged by others. This confidence is developed through martial arts training in two main ways. Skills Self-Confidence Leads To Overall Self-confidence When you begin training for martial arts, you will discover that with time, you become self-confident in the specific martial arts skills that you’re learning. For exa

Confidence and Martial Arts

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Click Here The #1 Reason a number of tricks and ways to defeat enemies. Every method is tactical ! Children that have behavioral issues are excellent candidates for enrollment into a martial art school. The child’s life will change dramatically from class sessions that teach children about the art’s philosophical history. Your child will lose aggressive tendencies to act out towards others. They will learn to respect and have better self-control. Many students consume martial art study with great passion. They devote most of their time in learning all they can about the system. This is one of the reasons so many students excel in higher belt ranking quicker than others. Martial art study increases memory skills. This can help your child with better grades in school assignments. It increases social abilities for interacting with other students. Class participation involves group settings when learning a martial art. Everything is positive about learning a martial art. Think about gettin

The Journey to Black Belt

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Aikido Journal speaks with Coralie Camilli, a Paris resident who recently tested for shodan (1st degree black belt) under Christian Tissier. In this short interview, Coralie shares her training approach, and as a professor of philosophy, her unique perspective on the art of aikido. Aikido Journal (Josh Gold): Coralie, congratulations on earning your black belt. Please tell us a bit about yourself and your aikido journey. Coralie Camilli: I’m from Corsica and I live in Paris now. I have a PhD in philosophy and have written a few books within my area of specialization, which is the subject of violence. And thank you for your congratulations on my shodan. As people say, “Aikido is just starting now,” and with me I know this to be true, because I am a real beginner. I have been training at Cercle Tissier in Paris for the last two years, but before that I trained under G. Valibouze Sensei at Birankai Dojo for a few months. He actually advised me to go to Tissier’s dojo.   Click Here The #1

What makes a Martial arts women

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  Women and martial arts. Do they make sense together? Who is the martial arts woman? Can you envision your mother, sister, daughter, sibling or friend participating in the fighting arts? Why would they choose a martial art of all the activities, sports, and options available? If they do choose to practice martial arts, do they compromise their femininity or their ability to soften the hard edges of the world if they learn to fight? Click Here The #1 Reason a number of tricks and ways to defeat enemies. Every method is tactical ! Let’s start with the basics, because to answer any of the questions posed above requires us to backtrack into the single most important question of all. What makes up the martial arts woman? The martial arts woman unites two opposite ends of a spectrum, femininity and fight. On one side, she is a beautiful soul, mother, wife, daughter, sister, or friend. On the other side, she is a woman who methodically pumps out explosive punches and kicks, escapes the grip


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  Click Here The #1 Reason a number of tricks and ways to defeat enemies. Every method is tactical !   Martial arts fitness can be an exciting group fitness class that teaches you new techniques for toning your larger leg muscles including the hip flexor muscles and the gluteus maximus. New techniques can help keep your muscles challenged without falling into a rut causing a plateau in personal fitness growth. Trying a new class, such as martial arts fitness, can help prevent boredom and burn out from doing the same moves over and over again. The new techniques you learn in martial arts fitness can also be used as part of your endurance training. The moves can be intense and often high-impact depending on how difficult you modify the moves to be. For athletes that use heart rate training to aid them with endurance training, they will find martial arts fitness classes to be a good fit for their training programs.  Health and wellness businesses have noted the demand for these high-energ